Kronos is an environmentally conscious company. With great respect towards the environment, we have taken big steps forward, by following an Environmental Management System which allows us to keep constant control over all our environment-related activities.

Waste water treatment plant
Kronos SA is committed in improving the efficiency of the use of allnatural and energy resources. Kronos was one of the first enterprises to implement and fully operate a waste water treatment plant within its facilities.
Renewable energy
In 2008, KRONOS founded KRONOS SUN ENERGY SA, a renewable energy producing company. In 2008 it established a photovoltaic park of installed capacity of 1,5 MW, one of the biggest projects in Northern Greece for renewable energy.

When we say that we're trying to make the most out of everything, we mean it. This is why we are using even the peaches’ pits as biomass fuel for the company’s energy needs as an alternative to electricity-production sources. By adopting biomass-based energy, we ensure our self-sufficiency energy-wise and reduce carbon emissions.

KRONOS strongly supports sustainability especially when dealing with agricultural raw materials. This philosophy is shared with of KRONOS’ suppliers and clients. For this reason:
- all glass, paper, metal and relevant materials are recycled
- the pits of the peaches are used as fuel for heating KRONOS’ installations
- Farmers that supply raw materials are encouraged to use sustainable methods of farming

Social contribution
KRONOS believes that each company should have an important share of social responsibility.
KRONOS is doing business in an ethical way and promotes INTEGRITY.
KRONOS pays back to its social shareholders by:
- paying taxes to the Greek state
- contributing to charity organizations regularly
- supporting fair competition
- employing people that are legally able to work
- promoting our peoples’ growth and well being

Since 2018 KRONOS has joined amfori BSCI, a business-driven initiative for companies committed to improving working conditions in factories and farms worldwide.

          Code of Conduct

Kronos S.A. is interested in the opinions and comments of all people involved in our operation, not just our own personnel.
If you have any feedback or complaint about the processes, do not hesitate to email us at:

Environmental Policy


- Realizes the effects from its operations on both the local and global environment and is commited in reducing them and protecting the environment by measuring its environmental impact and setting targets for its improvement.

- Complies with all relevant national and European environmental legislation.

- Commits that during any decision making of all production aspects, from its suppliers until the final consumer, will always take into account the environmental factor.

- Will establish strong relationships with selected partners that will assist to further improve its environmental profile and also encourages the adoptions of similar practices from its suppliers.

- Informs and trains its personnel to the environmental aspect of its work and encourages to perform their work in the most environmental friendly way.